Friday, March 13, 2020

5 Things to Say to Your Boss if You Want to be Successful

5 Things to Say to Your babo if You Want to be SuccessfulAre you super professional and a little bit frightened of screwing up in front of your babo? Thats totally natural. But being meek and respectful and never challenging your employer can sometimesbackfire. Some bosses prefer input and feedback from their employees. Make sure youre giving it googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display(div-gpt-ad-1467144145037-0) ) Here are 5 things you should start incorporating into your interactions with your boss to form a mora constructive relationship for the two of you.1. Youre wrongWhile you would never say this in a snide way, it is always important to be honest. If you can practice saying this with enough respect, you might just be able to prove your smarts and talents to your boss when she misses something and you see how you might save the day. If you just let her make an error, thats on you. Be confident enough to point out what you see. Thats why you were hired (Not to be a robo t.)2. NoNobody wants a doormat. If something is a bad idea or you know you cant deliver a project under the parameters set, then it is preferable to say no early rather than fail needlessly. Some bosses really like this, provided it clearly comes from a place of respect. Similarly, if youre asked to do lots of things outside of office hours and you cant keep it up, stand up for your work-life balanceAs long as youre doing your job and doing it well, rahmen boundaries for yourself is always a good idea. Youll gain more respect that way than not.3. Im fixing itSo you screwed up. Nobody likes to greet their boss with that bad news. But a good boss would rather be alerted to problem early onparticularly if you can say, in that same breath, that youre already on top of it and there should be very little fallout. It shows youre trustworthy and good at coming up with solutions, even under fire all great boss-impressing traits4. My mistakeOne of the hardest things to do is admit youve made an errorand not to make a 1000000 excuses immediately to let yourself off the hook. But if you can go to your boss, explain what youve done, and cop to its being a mistake? This shows your character and can actually lead you to a valuable learning experience. You may even expose a gap in the training for your position. Plus, youre likely to not make the same mistake again.5. I have an ideaIn some ways, this is a magic phrase. Most CEOs are starving for good ideas. If you have one, speak up Dont be shy. Especially if your idea would save the company money, time, or other resources and streamline things. Be part of the progressIt might be scary to approach your boss and go off the script you learned at your first internship, but showing up this way as a grown-up and self-possessed employee can have major gains over the course of your big-kid career.

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