Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Finding the Right Career Choice Test for You

Finding the Right Career Choice Test for You Finding the Right Career Choice Test for You Because career aptitude tests are designed to pinpoint your interests, a career test may feel similar to a personality test when you take it. The questions in each test measure not only your preferences, but also how likely you are to be capable within certain positions. Career tests also examine your work values and your various skill sets. Your natural abilities, once identified, can point you in the direction of very specific careers.Although each career aptitude test basically narrows down to the same information, there are a wide variety of test types. Some measure aptitude primarily, while other career tests focus more on career interest or how your personality fits with each job description. If your answers are honest, you should get the same types of results no matter which sort of career test you take. You may prefer, however, one method of questioning over another which can help to i nfluence which career choice test most appeals to you.CareerPathfound here offers a free career path test in which you select the statement which best applies to you out of twenty-four pairs of options. Some questions will ask you to select between two professions, and some statements involve personality traits. In order to receive your results, they ask you to provide your name and address.At ColorQuiz you are able to take a very different kind of career aptitude test. You are asked to select from a group of colored tiles according to your preferences. At the end, you are given a list of criteria to help you in your career search. You are not asked to give any personal information to receive your results.The Jung Typology Test gives you results according to Carl Jungs research and the Myers Briggs personality inventory. This career test is a lengthy test, so give yourself plenty of time to answer all of the questions thoroughly.Be sure to check carefully before taking a career test online. While there are many free career choice tests available, some may require a fee.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

For a genius brain, focus on how to think, instead of what to think

For a genius brain, focus on how to think, instead of what to thinkFor a genius brain, focus on how to think, instead of what to thinkHuman beings are creative by nature. Our capacity to generate creative ideas is central to technological and cultural progress.As humans, ur primal instinct is to seek, find, improve or create.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreOur capacity to learn, adapt and transform ur environment is incredible.In Body of Work Finding the Thread that Ties Your Career TogetherPamela Slim writes, We are made to create. We feel useful when we create. We release our stuckness when we create. We reinvent our lives, tell new stories, and rebuild communities when we create. We reclaim our esteem, our muse, and our hope when we create.Creativity is complex and comes in all colors, shapes, and sizes.Its about producing something novel or original, figuring things out, sol ving harte nusss, whether on paper, on stage, in a laboratory or even in the shower.What is common to the thinking style that produced Mona Lisa, and the one that came up with the theory of relativity?Whether you get fascinated by Edvard Munchs The Scream, Vincent van Goghs The Starry Night, or Pablo Picassos Young Ladies of Avignon, youll probably agree that they are all incredible pieces of art by some of the greatest minds of our time.Thinking patterns shape our minds. The right ones can change how you live and work.Recognizing the common thinking pattern of creative geniuses and applying their principles, rituals, and processes to your own work will improve how you think and work.Geniuses know how to think, instead of what tothinkInrecent researchabout creative brains, Roger Beaty, a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Psychology and the first author of the study said, People who are more creative can simultaneously engage brain networks that dont typically work together.The researchers wan ted to know whether the brains of people who are consistently more creative would show different activation patterns than other brains.People who think more flexibly and come up with more creative ideas are better able to engage ansicht networks that dont typically work together and bring these systems online, Beaty said in a statement.While the data showed that regions across the brain were involved in creative thought, Beaty said the evidence pointed to three subnetworksThe default modenetwork involved in memory and mental simulationThe salience networkwhich detects important informationTheexecutive control networkwhich plays key roles in creative thoughtIts the synchrony between these systems that seems to be important for creativity, Beaty said.The good news for people who feel they are elend naturally creative is that its not clear that learning to synch up our networks cant be done.Its not something where you have it or you dont, Beaty wrote.Creativity is complex, and were onl y scratching the surface here.Nancy Andreasen, neuroscientist and neuropsychiatrist studies the science of genius trying to understand the elements that make up the most creative minds.In one of her studies, which she wrote about for the Atlantic, Andreasen scanned the brains of 13 of the most famous scientists, mathematicians, artists, and writers alive today.In her findings, she distilled some key patterns in the minds of creative geniuses.Creativity, of course, cannot be distilled into a single mental process, and it cannot be captured in a snapshot nor can people produce a creative insight or thought on demand, she writes.They embrace the messymiddleCreative work takes time. Sometimes it can take years to perfect a piece of art, or build something unique.That requires patience.Creative geniuses often work on projects for a long time before they have insight into how to finally solve that problem.They enjoy the process. Its part of the discovery.Ideas can take time to mature.If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others read a lot and write a lot. Theres no way around these two things that Im aware of, no shortcut, says Stephen King.Most well known psychological theories including the Geneplore and the Darwinian theory involve two stagesDivergent generation of possibilities and exploration and finally the selective retention of the most promising ideas.Newton developed the concept of gravity ( when an apple fell on his head) around 1666.The truth is that by 1666, Newton had already spent many years teaching himself mathematics.In other words, Newtons formulation of the concept of gravity took more than 20 years and included multiple components preparation, incubation, inspiration a version of the Eureka experience and production,writesNancy Andreasen.Geniuses are autodidactsThink of all the geniuses of our time who were high school drop-outs Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, or Mark Zuckerberg.They were all self-learnersThey preferred figurin g things out, rather than waiting to be taught.Autodidacts choose their subjects, materials, rhythm and time.They may or may not have formal education.That doesnt stop them from pursuing exactly what they want.Their personal study may be either a compliment or an alternative to formal education.Because their thinking is different, my subjects often express the idea that standard ways of learning and teaching are not always helpful and may even be distracting, and that they prefer to learn on their own, says Andreasen.Creative geniuses are intrinsically motivated toward self-learning to solve problems that fascinate them.They know how to be self-reliant if the system fails them or provide them with what they need to creatively solve a problem.They are good at making juxtapositions between dissimilar subjectsMany creative geniuses frequently follow a T-shaped model of learning they experts in one or two disciplines and have also mastered other complimentary skills that make it easier for them to adapt in any environment.They frequently make connections between things that are unrelated to their main research. They can force relationships where there is none.They make connections where ordinary minds see opposites.Leonardo da Vinci forced a relationship between the sound of a bell and a stone hitting water.This enabled him to make the connection that sound travels in waves.Nikola Tesla forced a connection between the setting sun and a motor that made the AC motor possible by having the motors magnetic field rotate inside the motor just as the sun (from our perspective) rotates.Unless you can make connections between what we know, information alone wont be useful.Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didnt really do it, they just saw something, says Steve Jobs.To truly create something amazing, or contribute to the world, you have to be able to connect countless dots and cr oss-pollinate existing ideas from a wealth of unrelated disciplines.InThe Art of Scientific Investigation, Cambridge University professor W. I. B. Beveridge wrote that successful scientists have often been people with wide interests, which led to their originalityOriginality often consists in linking up ideas whose connection welches not previously suspected, he says.Geniuses are good at creating thought bridges, subconscious connections and unexpected integrations between (seemingly) unrelated ideas.Geniuses think productively, not reproductivelyAllow me to explain.We repeatedly reproduce what we are thought or what we learn when confronted with a problem or a task.In contrast, when confronted with a problem, a creative person will ask How many different ways can I look at it?, How can I rethink the way I see it?, and How many different ways can I solve it? instead of What have I been taught by someone else on how to solve this?They tend to come up with many different responses, so me of which are unconventional and possibly unique.Leonardo da Vinci believed that to gain deep knowledge about a problem, you have to learn how to restructure it in many different ways.He felt the first way he looked at a problem was too biased toward his usual way of seeing things.When a Toyota executive asked employees to brainstorm ways to increase their productivity, he didnt get many answers.When he rephrased his request as ways to make their jobs easier, he could barely keep up with the number of suggestions.In order to creatively solve a problem, the thinker must abandon the initial obvious approach that stems from past experience and re-conceptualize the problem.By not settling with one perspective, geniuses do not merely solve existing problems, they figure out new problems we tend to ignore and find mind-blowing solutions.Geniuses are open-minded.Every problem no matter how apparently simple it may be comes with a long list of assumptions.Most of which could make your pro blem statement inadequate or even misguided.To create better, expose your assumptions- especially those that may seem the most obvious and untouchable.And start with a blank slate. You will be surprised at the solutions to will come up with if you stay open-minded.Geniuses are so good, we cant ignorethemCal Newport says Until you become good, you dont have leverage.Truly creative geniuses are always honing their crafts, looking to learn more, improve previous work, or give better performances.Thomas Edison held 1,093 patents, still the record.Bach wrote a cantata every week, even when he was sick or exhausted.Picasso made 50,000 works of art in his life. Mozart composed over 600 pieces in his lifetime.Charles Schulzmade 17,897 Charlie Brown strips before he died.Einstein is best known for his paper on relativity, but he published 248 other papers.In a study of 2,036 scientists throughout history, Dean Kean Simonton of the University of California, Davis found that the most respecte d produced not only great works but also more badeanstalt ones.Out of their massive quantity of work came quality.On average, creative geniuses arent qualitatively better in their fields than their peers, they simplyproduce a greater volume of workwhich gives them more variation and a higher chance of originality, says Prof. Dean Simonton, a psychologist whos spent many years studying creative productivity.Geniuses are so good, we cant ignore them.Closing thoughtsCreativity is necessary in our day-to-day lives and careers.Getting better at what you do comes down to identifying and attacking a problem so that you can move past it.Everyone is capable of thinking above first level common sense.You can train your brain to solve problems better, think different and make better connections every day.You may not be a Picasso, Rembrandt, or Leonardo, but you can always work to increase your own creative capacity.Genius thinking patterns are within your power- you just have to remember to a pproach things differently and embrace life-long learning.Then youll be unstoppableThis article first appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The steady ride to the land of burnout in women today

The steady ride to the land of burnout in women todayThe steady ride to the land of burnout in women todayWomen today work hard. But sometimes all this hard work can get to us. How many times have you caught yourself thinking, Wow, Im burned out Its a feeling most women today can identify with. The hausintern drive to do mora and achieve more is significantly impacting womens health, families, and careers. The problem is that burnout process is so dynamic and so intricately woven into womens lives, with raising families, building careers, volunteering, maintaining homes, and a social calendar, that even the brightest of women are not able to identify the telltale signs of burnout until it is too late.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThis steady ride to the land of burnout is caused by a complex and interacting web of stressors, but they all boil down to a few key causesWomens exp anded roles (home, career, children, parents)Constant sensory stimulation (devices and being 24/7 plugged in)Social pressures to achieve more and have moreFamily and child expectationsFinancial constraintsPoor lifestyle habits (sleep, diet, exercise, hormone imbalance, and brain chemical deficiencies)Adrenaline addictionThe bodys sophisticated response to all types of stressors in high-stress women today is nothing short of a miracle. But, the reality is that we overachiever-superwomen-stress-junkies spend quite a bit of time being plugged in and in fight-or-flight mode, maneuvering strategically between one highly pressurized situation to the next. Its like a time bomb. While our bodies are meant to react to perceived stress occasionally, they are clearly not capable of withstanding longer periods of flight or fight without some sort of breakdown.This elaborate stress response, with multiple internal alarms going off, typically occurs regularly throughout the day for most women. Mi llions of women today are tripped out on stress from the moment they wake up until they throw themselves in bed at night. This constant state of activation and overstimulation requires continuous effort to preserve and restore your adrenal glands. This is incredibly taxing on them, and causes the entire system (female hormones, thyroid, gut, brain, and immune system) to become sluggish-imbalanced, and sick, which in turn leaves you depleted, depressed, gaining weight, with suboptimal cortisol and female hormone production, creating a myriad of symptoms that turn your whole world upside down.The bodys sophisticated response to stress is nothing short of a miracle. But the reality is that today we are all plugged in 24/7 and in a fight-or-flight mode, maneuvering strategically between one highly pressurized situation to the next. Its like a time bomb. While our bodies are meant to react to perceived stress occasionally, they are clearly not capable of withstanding longer periods of fl ight or fight without some sort of breakdown. If you are in over-drive, consider the following easy steps to move you out of it and more balanced.Step 1 Change Your Diet and TimingReduce blood glucose spikes and dips by eating the lean proteins, good fats and high fiber good carbohydrates like veggies, to help eliminate morning grogginess and afternoon fatigue. That means no bagels or muffins for breakfast. Protein is brain food and will improve your focus and memory for the entire dayStep 2 Take Vitamin C and Stress Support supplementsVitamin C is utilized by the adrenal glands in the production of cortisol and other adrenal hormones. Consider taking higher doses of Vitamin C in the morning and noon. Also, consider stress support supplements that contain adaptogens. I recommend BalanceDocs STRESS AM AND STRESS PM supplements to balance the day and night rhythm of cortisol. BalanceDocs.comStep 3 ExerciseWalking, yoga, Pilates, and light strength training will serve you better than pounding it out in a spin class or running. Any type of vigorous exercise will leave your stress glands even more taxed since one of the causes of the stress syndrome is over-exercising.Step 4 HydrateDehydration is one of the most common problems with fatigue and the physical inability to manage stress.Step 5 Ignite Your Parasympathetic Nervous System TrackTake ten minutes twice daily to reboot. Breath in through your nose (expanding your belly, not your chest) and out through pursed lips while focusing on the exact thing you want for yourself at that moment. Imagine exactly what you want to feel, have, acquire, and be with all of the positive emotions to go along with it. Stay there for 2-3 minutes.Step 6 Get Deep, Restorative SleepSkimping on sleep handicaps the brain, nervous system, hormonal system, and the body as a whole by robbing it of needed recovery from the previous day and hindering the rejuvenation of hormones and neurochemicals to get you through the next day.Step 7 Be gin Brain-TrainingAvoid negative sayings like I am so stressed and replaced them with saying, I choose myself, and am ready for better health, this is not an emergency, I am in control of my life right now.Nisha Jackson, Ph.D., MS, WHCNP, HHP, author of Brilliant Burnout, is a nationally-recognized hormone expert and gynecology health specialist with 29 years of experience in research and patient care. She is the founder and owner of Peak Medical Clinics.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Monday, December 16, 2019

Everything You Need to Know About References for Your Job Search

Everything You Need to Know About References for Your Job SearchEverything You Need to Know About References for Your Job SearchEverything You Need to Know About References for Your Job SearchNervous about compiling a list of professional references? Dont be.Reference checks are an expected part of the hiring process. In practice, they range from cursory check-the-box exercises to an in-depth set of interviews with people who are not on your reference list. Under the best of circumstances, it can be difficult to know what to expect. Even if you have enjoyed good working relationships with your references, you can never be completely certain they wont say something that might damage your chances of getting a job.A glowing recommendation can make the hiring decision a non-enthusiastic one hurt your candidacy. Would you like some strategies around professional references? Here are 10 ideas to keep in mind.RelatedFree Job-Search Tools Every Job Seeker Needs1. The answer to Can we contact your former manager? is always Yes.Regardless of how well you worked together, saying that you dont want your former manager contacted is a red flag to your potential employer. In their eyes, it implies that the employmentreference wont be positive, or that you had lied about your position. Dont say No because you dont want to bother a busy professional. Whether or not your former manager chooses to take the call is up to them, but dont hurt your chances by making this decision for them. To be clear, the situation is completely different if the hiring manager wants to speak with your current boss. In that case, it is appropriate to hold off until you have an offer (the hiring manager can make it contingent upon references).2. Should you be concerned if the company policy is to only confirm dates of employment?I hear this question frequently. Limiting disclosed information to dates of employment is a stated policy in many companies, put in distribution policy to protect managers fro m libel lawsuits. In theory, the policy allows the hiring manager to verify that you were truthful about having worked at that companybut tells him nothing about your performance. If a past manager cannot sing your praises because of a company-wide ban on discussing performance with a third party, does that hurt your candidacy?3. Your manager is a stronger professional reference than your peers.You have your choices when it comes to the anthroponyms you list as references. Keep in mind that your direct manager makes a stronger reference than your peers. Because they supervised your work, they can speak to your ability to take feedback, and to your overall performance in the categories that matter most to your job description. Your peers cannot do that, as they only interact with you in a lateral way.4. The right time to offer references is when youre asked for them.Dont volunteer this information on the first interview, or any time before you are asked.Think of your professional ref erences as a valuable limited resource. You want to be able to give them specific notice of an upcoming call (ideally, with a general description of the company and the position you are interviewing for). That way, they can be prepared to offer specific examples that would be most relevant and impactful to showcase you in the best light.Holding back the professional reference list until it is requested also allows you to be respectful of the time your past managers and colleagues will have to spend fielding calls. Some recruiters make reference check calls before you even become a serious candidate, or use the names to expand their own marketing list both practices can hurt your professional relationships.5. Should you warn your references?Yes, absolutely. Send a quick email or make a call to let them know that you have given their name as an employment reference.6. Isnt a job offer that is contingent on a reference check with your current manager risky?Yes. It is possible that a p oor or even a lukewarm reference can lead your prospective employer to reconsider the offer.What can you do to minimize the risk? First of all, push back if there is not an actual offer on the table. A thumbs-up, a double wink or an I have a good feeling about this statement from your recruiter does not count. If the prospective employer insists on a professional reference check before the offer, you can volunteer other references first, but keep your current manager off-limits until the offer is firm.Make sure the negotiations are complete and the details of the offer are ironed out. In a perfect world, all that should be left is the reference check and your acceptance. At that point, give your current manager advance warning. Be professional and honest, but dont resign until you have accepted the offer.There is good news in this for you. In my experience, an offer contingent on employment reference checks means that the checks are likely to be cursory. The prospective employer typ ically wants to be sure you have not misrepresented major facts.7. What do you do when you need personal references?Dont use your family or relatives. Consider listing your landlord, someone at the organization where you are volunteering, a fellow player in a local sports league, a professor (if your graduation is fairly recent) or a fellow student. The goal of a personal reference is to demonstrate that you are a decent human being.8. Is there a guarantee that the prospective employer will limit the calls to your reference list?No. They can call anyone. In fact, savvy recruiters will check on companies that you have obviously omitted from your vetted list. They may have their own networks in your old company, so dont expect that they will just call the two people you have listed.A big takeaway from this is, dont burn bridges. Even if you dont think you will ever use that particular manager as a professional reference, dont get cavalier about it.9. What questions can the hiring mana ger ask your reference?Anything, as long as its not protected information such as race, disability, religion, national origin, and age. They can ask about your strengths and weaknesses, the details of why you left, how well you received feedback, and whether they would hire you back if they could.10. What do you do when a reference you thought would be positive turns negative?This is a difficult one. You thought you had a great working relationship, the performance reviews had been good, but for some reason, the former manager gives you a less than enthusiastic endorsement (or an outright negative one). What do you do?The most constructive strategy is to let it go unless your former manager had misrepresented your performance. He is entitled to his opinion, even if you disagree with it. You may be feeling hurt and blindsided, and those feelings are completely valid. There just isnt a lot you can do once the reference has been given. Even if it has cost you a great opportunity, be gr acious and professional with the prospective employer.If you had a good relationship and want to attempt to change the outcome of future reference conversations, you may consider speaking with your former manager. Let them know that their reference is hurting your ability to get an offer, and see if there is a middle ground you might reach. There is no guarantee that they will agree, but it may be worth the try in certain circumstances.In the end, making the most of your employment references is about being an asset to the company you are with, and making smart decisions about timing while you are going through the interview process for your new opportunity. Be professional, say thank you, and do your best to leave your position better than you had found it. If you are going to quit, do so with integrity. Malicious and sociopathic managers aside, doing those things consistently will assure you a good reference She is fantastic We wish we could keep her, but since we cannot, you shou ld definitely hire her.Click on the following link for more job-search advice.Recommended ReadingPositive Professional References Are a Powerful ToolHow to Choose the Best References for Your Job SearchHow to Keep a badeanstalt Reference From Ruining Your CareerRelated Articles

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

7 Ways to Scare off a Recruiter

7 Ways to Scare off a Recruiter 7 Ways to Scare off a Recruiter With more than 12 million people unemployed nationally, job seekers canelendlage afford costly mistakes when submitting their resumes. The window of 5-7 seconds is a narrow one, especially considering a potential employer only allots that amount of time to hundreds of resumes a day. Below are seven common ways to frighten a recruiter avoid them to increase the chances of that narrow reviewing window opening up a little wider for you.1. Sloppy resumesAt number one, grammatical errors, typos and misspellings are the most common and, often, most costly mistakes. Hundreds or even thousands of people can apply for one position. Why would a recruiter waste his or her time with an applicant who spells acheive for achieve or excede for exceed? Obvious typos tell potential employers the applicant did not take the time to review and reread his or her resume before submission and grammatical errors, especially for communications positions, show employers whether or not an applicant is a good fit. Using a colon in place of semicolon, omitting necessary commas and placing the period outside of quotation marks - these are all ways to scare off recruiters. The most threatening error? Misspelling a companys name. If an applicant cannot make sure to spell the name of the company that he or she is applying to correctly, that person will immediately have his or her resume thrown out.2. Unprofessional schmelzglas addressEmployees represent the companies they work for they help maintain and reflect a companys brand. Recruiters look at potential candidates to see who will best fit into the culture of the company. An unprofessional email sends a red flag to employers. They want to hire mature adults, ones who understand the importance of creating a professional email address. If you arent sure whether or not your email is professional, take this test Imagine a recruiter just called you about a job opening. He or she as ks you to provide an email address to forward the information to. Say your email address aloud, just as you would over the phone, and see how it sounds.3. ResidenceSome companies try to avoid hiring out-of-state applicants. Relocation and the expenses that come with it are not always things a company wants to deal with with bringing on someone new. Find out if an employer is seeking local candidates only before applying because if thats the case, he or she wont even consider an out-of-state resume.4. Lack of detail in work historyIts true you do not want to crowd your resume with long sentences, but not providing enough detail is also risky. Simply listing previous positions is not enough. Recruiters want to know the functions and duties carried out while you worked at a company. Lack of detail makes them question how significant your previous roles were.5. No knowledge of industry applying forResumes that reflect work history that has nothing to do with the industry of position you re applying for are also red flags. Unless its a no experience necessary position, most job postings list some type of requirements and/or qualifications for applicants, and applicants must often have some type of background in the field of the open position.6. Lack of professional referencesHaving no references can often be a deal breaker for recruiters. Employers value feedback from those who can attest to an applicants work ethic and skills. If two or more of a persons references are personal - family members or friends - this can also hurt an individuals chances of their resume getting further attention. Too many personal references tell employers an applicant doesnt have enough professional references, and this leads them to wonder why? Do they not truly have the work experience they claim to? welches their work poorly done? Did they leave on bad terms? You do not want your resume to leave recruiters skeptical or confused.7. High school activities This pertains to college stude nts (because Im hoping no one out of school would do this). When seeking internships or regular employment, a list of high school activities blares a warning to recruiters. Like personal references, the applicant doesnt have enough current or collegiate experience so he or she went back to high school. Unless youre a freshman student, this is a big no.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

A Easy Trick for Summary for Resume Unveiled

A Easy Trick for Summary for Resume Unveiled Avoid cliches to make certain that your objective statement sounds professional. You ought to have five objective statements. Sample resume objectives should be utilised as references, dependent on which you can make your own resumes. In the majority of instances, a resume objective is simply a couple of sentences long. One of the hazards of a resume objective is that youre able to focus too much on what you would like in your career, and not enough on how youll add value to the business. In the end, stating an objective is optional, but it might help convince employers that you understand what you want and understand the business. A resume objective might also have where youre, and where you would like to go in your career. Specifying the name of the institution in the objective will also let employers know that you truly need the available management position. Entry-level objectives can be particularly hard to write since yo u likely dont have loads of work experience, but you do want to solidify how you know the kind of career youre searching for. Studies show you have six seconds to create an impression with your resume. The very first point you ought to do is to recognize the tasks you wish to complete a software for. Its mandatory to check whether the content of your resume supports the objective youve mentioned. Its potential to have ideas regarding what things to comprise, and insight in the best performing formats for specific places. The crucial point to bear in mind when writing your CV is that its a sales document. You will see such samples for all of the jobs and fields of experience. In the event that you are employing for different kinds of jobs, you must upgrade your resume to reflect that gap. The peak of your resume is prime real estate, which means you dont squander it by employing vague filler material. Circles An amazing hloom template for men and women that are looking for work in the art and konzeption fields. Be certain to bring many copies of your resume when attending job fairs, so that you may be prepared to apply to a lot of positions out there. If you consider it, the one most important thing your resume should convey is that YOU are ideal for the job accessible. Keep in mind, you can store as many as five resumes on Monster. First off, we must determine what type of job seeker youre. Summary for Resume Explained Though finding the right resume objective sample may appear a simple job and most individuals will be tempted to incorporate the version they discover on the internet in their resume, its recommended you do not do that. You might also want to have a look at our complete collection of job sites in Singapore to aid you in getting started. Its possible to supplement whats on the webpage with links to your work but you must motivate the hiring manager to take the excess step required. As a great guideline, should you need to subm it a resume to receive your next job, you arent visionary. Generally speaking labor, its important to tailor your objective to the position you want. Simply take the time before you begin your resume to form a very clear objective. A particular objective increases the possibility of leading to a particular outcome. As a result, while your resume objective should consist of information on the career you want, you also need to spell out why you are the perfect candidate for the job. Conclusion If youre a high school student seeking to land a part-time job which brings you extra income and assists you build some skills that might become important to your career in future, you should present a compelling resume to prospective employers to increase your odds of being picked for the job. If youre applying for work in construction with a family-owned company, you might wish to concentrate on that in your objective, indicating that youre willing to earn a personal investment in helpin g a little organization grow and thrive. The direction you write your career objectives is vital and ought to be given proper consideration. An objective is a brief statement that clarifies your goals concerning the sort of employment desired and the way in which your skills make you a nice fit. Summary for Resume Features Whenever you would like to emphasize that youre ambitious, that you understand what you want in a career, or you have the skills for the particular job, you could benefit from a resume objective. When youre asking for work, your very first aim is to let employers know your abilities and talents align with the demands of their open position. Resume objectives can be somewhat controversial. In lots of ways, an objective replaces a lot of the detail you would set in your professional experience section. The End of Summary for Resume Why Including an Objective is Important In order to have the job youve always wanted, you will need to compose a proper resume, which will display, in the simplest way possible, your abilities. If your Objective says youre searching for a full-time job and youre asking for a part-time internship, you will probably be disqualified immediately. The absolute most efficient objective is one which is tailored to the job youre applying for. You ought to decide on the sample resume objective which is fit for the sort of job youre applying for. The sample resume objective you should use is dependent on the schauplatz where youre applying for the job together with the post youre applying for. If youre looking to put in an application for a customer service job then you need to use the sample objective made for it. Resumes which are job specific tend to acquire the best outcomes.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Benefits of a Small Business for Every Level - Spark Hire

Benefits of a Small Business for Every Level - Spark HireWhen building a team, a small geschftsleben often wants to vary the skills and levels of experience in order to help their geschftliches miteinander grow. The challenge, however, is to make a job with a small business attractive to people in different stages of their career. As this How-To article from the Wall Street Journal shows, small businesses really can offer different benefits than a larger company for any employee at any stage of their career.When trying to reach out to employees who could comprise your upper-level management or executive board, focus on the unique company culture that a small business offers. Part of the small business model that might appeal to them is that, as this article points out, entrepreneurs and small business owners tend to treat their employees more like family. Especially if youre reaching out to an executive who has been in big business for fruchtwein of their career, it may be refreshing to them to settle into a place where there are less corporate politics and where they dont fear the axe of corporate downsizing. Encourage them, too, with the notion that there will likely be less corporate hierarchy with your small business. If theyre exhausted by the ineffective communication from upper management to lower management to team members, they may perk up to know they would have more direct communication with employees and be that much closer to the end product or service.Attempting to attract middle management employees might be the most difficult. As we hear often about Generation X workers, who most likely fit into this field, one of the most important aspects to a job for them is security. They likely have families that they need to support through reliable incomes, and they still hail from a generation where a person has fewer jobs over the course of their lifetime. Theyre looking for stability, which small business owners know is sometimes difficult to offer. Bu t in order to accommodate their family life, what you can offer someone at this level is the fact that most small businesses are able to afford their employees increased flexibility. This generally includes flexible hours, a flexible work-from-home policy, and more leniencies in general when family or other needs arise.For the entry-level employees, any number of these benefits should be appealing to them. Aside from enjoying a flexible schedule and working closely with both middle and upper management, small businesses offer a lot of room for growth, development, and innovation. They often invite their employees to wear many hats and to broaden their experience and skill set. They require their employees to use creative solutions to unique problems. They typically offer a fast-paced, exciting atmosphere and allow younger employees to utilize the skills they already have at their disposal, such as skills with social media and technology, skills which they have been developing for ye ars. The list could go on and on.Small businesses arent only for the young, the adventurous, or those with nothing to lose. Startups and small businesses can offer much to employees at every stage of life and career. The key for a small business is to help employees understand just what they can offer and how it can help to meet their needs and wishes for a job while still being beneficial to the company.What benefits would you offer to candidates at different stages of their career? How else can a small business keep a varied team on board? Offer your thoughts in the comments.IMAGE Courtesy of Flickr by(vincent desjardins)

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Discover New Healthcare Talent in Todays Career-Switchers

Discover New Healthcare Talent in Todays Career-SwitchersDiscover New Healthcare Talent in Todays Career-SwitchersDiscover New Healthcare Talent in Todays Career-Switchers ConlanAs a healthcare staffing professional, youre well aware of the explosive healthcare job growth and escalatinghealthcare salariesthat are in full swing. The phenomenon has also attracted the attention ofworkers in other industries, many of whom are looking for a fresh career opportunity. The result is thatmany professionals are heading back to school to pick up degrees in nursing, healthcare administration and other roles.While the trend will help increase the labor pool for healthcare employers, its not always easy to tell how well a recent grad will do on the jobparticularly if their previous experience has been in other fields.The good news is that there are many ways to spot someone who can make the switch to healthcare. ansichtstrategies will help supplement your healthcare talent pipeline.Look for Lifelo ng LearnersHealthcare is a rapidly evolving field. Those who thrive in it often embrace continuous learning to stay apace.When evaluating a career-switcher who is moving into healthcare, look for clues that theyve taken their continuing education into their own hands.Steven Stein, a clinical psychologist and founder and CEO of Multi-Health Systems, suggests asking whether they subscribe to any professional or industry journals, attend conferences or do extra reading in their free time. During the interview, ask about their previous career, not just the one they are switching to.I find that people committed to a certain career path use their own personal time to learn more about their area of interest, Stein says.In addition, look for examples of applicants who take the initiative to develop vital skills such as computer skills, research and analytics. These are key for people who are interested in becoming a registered nurseor a nurse practitioner, says Keith Carlson, a nursing care er coach. It cant be overstated for nursing and healthcare, as informatics becomes ever more crucial, he says.Look for Consistent GrowthHealthcare employers rely on workers who are committed to excellent performance. When evaluating career switchers, look for a history of candidates who strive for more responsibility and greater leadership.Keep in mind that people tend to stay for shorter amounts of time at employers than they used to. If their experience includes a step up from previousroles it shows they have talent and drive, says Stephanie Troiano, executive recruiter at The Hire Talent.Short stints at different employers arent necessarily a red flag or a sign of job-hopping, especially if the jobs have increasing amounts of responsibility and increased results. You can often spot someone who is attempting to find these step-up opportunities by their resume history, how long they were in each position and any skills and accomplishments listed, Troiano says.For example, while a j ob candidate applying for their first job as a pediatrician after a career outside of healthcare was obviously committed enough to make it through med school, its still worth probing their work history before they returned to school.They Connect the DotsHealthcare workers often have to take in information from a variety of sources and develop their own conclusions.This also applies to the candidates own career. A good career-switcher will be able to provide concrete examples of how her skills will apply in a new setting they will bildschirm a knowledge of the position, even if she hasnt worked in it yet.The fail-safe indication that a candidate can truly switch industries is their ability to connect the dots, says career coach Kathryn Sollmann. A recruiter knows this when the candidate draws clear parallels between the same job function in Industry A and Industry B.For example, a former teacher who can clearly describe how she developed rapport with difficult students is likely to b e able to apply those skills in stressful situations as a nurse practitioner. Its easy for confident candidates to say I can do this, Sollmann says, but a candidate committed to switching careers will be able to draw detailed parallels between the two.They VolunteerBeing service-minded is a must in healthcare. Volunteering can indicate an inclination toward that outlook, says Linda Kuriloff, an author and career specialist.Look for evidence of a prospective employees interest in the helping professions, Kuriloff says. Also, those who choose to volunteer tend to be humble enough to be trained to do what they havent done before and comfortable meeting others needs, she says.For example, a newly-minted licensed practical nurse with a volunteer history of working with the elderly, the underserved or in shelters will bring those skills and experiences to his career.They Get Consistent ResultsPeople with an ability to switch careers get results no matter their roleso look at their success es over time, says Elene Cafasso, founder of Enerpace, an executive coaching company. Ask about how they generated success in their different roles and how they solve problems.Applicants for high-profile positions such as healthcare administration should provide examples of results theyve achieved through data management, supply and inventory and conflict resolution.In the end, all career-switchers should be able to provide examples of their customer service skills. Providing five-star service is as important to a nurse these days as it is to a hotel staff person, Carlson says.

Friday, November 22, 2019

I cant believe you wrote that in an email

I cant believe you wrote that in an emailI cant believe you wrote that in an emailA note from the editorPlease be aware that this is a blog deutsche post dhl and newsletter. If you have received it in your email, it is either because you subscribe to this blog feed, or because you subscribe to Marcs newsletters. It is not directed at any individual in particular. Dont put anything in writing that you wouldnt want to see on the front page of the New York Times.I cant believe you wrote that in an email.Because whoever is the most embarrassing person in the world to see what you just wrote, is online too.And theyre going to see it. As will all your future employers, customers, colleagues, and friends.So for the New Year, make a new promise to yourself, to never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever send embarrassing emails.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Are you ready to ask for what you want

Are you ready to ask for what you wantAre you ready to ask for what you wantSelf-Assessment Quiz True or FalseI know what I need to succeed at my job, from salary to support to scheduling.I am aware of my strengths and weaknesses.I dont let other people make decisions for me without my input.I am confident with speaking up, interacting with higher executives, and tooting my own horn.There is a handwritten sign on my front door that everyone walking out of the house sees as they open the door to face the world IF YOU DONT ASK, YOU DONT GET. But before you can do that, you need to know what you want and get ready to receive it. Thats why I sure am hoping you answered TRUE to the questions in the self-assessment quiz above.Think about it. When you go to McDonalds, what happens? You ask for what you want. You dont stand at the counter and hope the pimply teenager at the register will decide for you. You cant stand there wishing for extra tarter sauce on your Fish Filet sandwich, elend a sk for it, and then be disappointed that you didnt get extra tarter sauce You have to open your mouth, people, and ASK (or point and gesture if youre in a foreign country)Lets look deeper into this analogyYou identified that you wanted a McDonalds Fish Filet.You did the workEarned the money to pay for the fish sandwichFound a way to get to McDonaldsYou ordered once you were in place and ready.You walked away with the fish sandwich.You ate and hopefully enjoyed the fish sandwich.Now, if you hadnt identified and asked for the sandwich, and taken all of the little steps in between to bring it to you (or you to it) before it rested comfortably in your small intestine, would you ever have eaten your beloved Fish Filet? NO My mama used to say, Closed mouths dont get fed. And thats befitting this McDonalds analogy, for sure. But the same goes for what you want in your job, your career, and your lifeIf you want to move up in your job, you gotta decide how to do that. Lets say you decide you want to be a senior manager. Now, you cant sit in strategy meetings, or better yet, yourannual review, and just expect people to read your mind and magically hand you a new business card with Senior Manager printed neatly under your name in Helvetica font You cant even do great work and be content that your boss knows this means you want to be a senior manager. Bosses arent all intuitive like that. You must be vocal, you must be direct, you must bespecific, and most importantly, you must beready and positioned(i.e. deserving) to get that which you ask for.I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the movieLa La Land. I dragged six different people with me on six different occasions to see it while it was in the theater. Ive seen it another three or four times since then. The reason I love the film so much is because its all aboutbeing ready to be found.You scoff at my example, but lets say you got the first step right with ordering your Fish Filet sandwich, but you faltered at Step 2. Even though you had the money, you ended up at Pizza Hut because your GPS was wonky. This throws off everything after that. You get to Step 3 and you place your order, but theyre just going to laugh at you at the Pizza Hut counter and maybe call the po-po because you are clearly deranged. Even Jesus didnt try to change pizza into a fish filet sandwich. You can still ask for what you want. But cmon, you didnt even bother to do the basic groundwork. You got the location wrong. You werentREADY.Far too often, when it comes to up-leveling our careers, people want to skip doing the basic work. So be sure that when you ask for what you want, you are indeed READY to be found. Youve been on the job longer than three weeks. (No seriously, I had a new employee ask about her promotion before shed even worked for me for three weeks. Come ON) You have the experience theyre looking for. You have a stellar performance record. You do mora than that which is asked of you. You attend conferences or workshops to network. Youve found a mentor. Youve asked to join in meetings or conference calls that arent necessarily in your wheelhouse or department but give you exposure.Get out there DO and BE so that in three months or six months from now you can confidently ask your boss, Ms. Smith, I want to be the Senior Manager of our department. Would you consider me for this role? I think Ive proven that Im more than ready.Cheryl Grace is the sassy aunt, best friend, and mentor youve always needed in your life. The successful jet-setting, global corporate executive founded the aspirational lifestyle brand Powerful Penny LLC. Her products, workshops and speeches probe, inspire and empower to ensure those who really want to can get to their next level of best. Her blogs on careers, prosperity, relationships, family, looking and living fabulously, and living a five-star life can be found atwww.powerfulpenny.com.